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Green Dot Dot Combo Set: 
GDD Organic Black Garlic Bulb 120g  - 1pc
GDD Peach Resin 200g  - 1pc
GDD Organic No Cane Sugar Added Instant Soya Milk Powder 450g  - 1pc
GDD Walnut & Black Soybean Black Sesame Powder 400g  - 1pc


【GDD Organic Black Garlic Bulb 120g  - 1pc】
No flavouring, all natural.
Ingredient: Organic Garlic Bulb
Directions: Serve directly without skin, or cooking difference dishes.
Origin: China


【GDD Peach Resin 200g  - 1pc】
Overview: Peach Resin
Ingredient: Peach Resin
Directions:: Soak Peach Resin over 8 hours until it swell, rinse it out. Add to dessert as you like.
Origin: China


【GDD Organic No Cane Sugar Added Instant Soya Milk Powder 450g  - 1pc】
1. No Cane Sugar Added
2. Non-GMO
3. No Preservatives
4. No Artificial Colorings
5. No Additives
Ingredient: Instant Organic Soybeans Powder(Soybeans products), Isomaltooligosaccharide
Directions: Take 3 tablespoons (18g) soya milk powder mix with 50ml cold water. Stir until the powder completely dissolves. Then add 130cc hot or cold water into the cup as your preference. For a delicious cereal breakfast, you can add fresh or dried fruits, cereal or oat flakes to the soya milk.
Origin: China


【GDD Walnut & Black Soybean Black Sesame Powder 400g  - 1pc】
Overview: Walnut, Black Soybean, Black Sesame.
Ingredient: Walnut, Black Soybean, Black Sesame.
Directions: Dissolve approx. 3 teaspoons (30g) of powder into warm water, stir well to serve. Or add it into fresh milk / soymilk to serve.
Origin: Taiwan



點點綠有機獨子黑蒜 120g  - 1盒
點點綠桃膠 200g  - 1包
點點綠有機無蔗糖添加即沖豆漿粉 450g  - 1盒
點點綠核桃黑豆黑芝麻粉 400g  - 1盒


【點點綠有機獨子黑蒜 120g  - 1盒】
1. 採用有機大蒜(紫皮)研製而成,天然有機。
2. 有機大蒜經九十日發酵,天然方法製造,不含添加劑。
3. 口感酸甜,像蜜棗一樣。
4. 黑蒜能增強免疫力及抗氧化。
5. 對消除疲勞,改善睡眠質素亦見效。
成份: 有機獨子黑蒜
食用方法: 脫皮後直接成用。
原產地: 中國


【點點綠桃膠 200g - 1包】
1. 桃膠是桃樹皮裂開,所流出的樹脂液作天然修復,當樹脂遇空氣凝結後,會成為硬身晶體,成為桃膠。
成份: 桃膠
食用方法: 先把桃膠以清水浸8小時以上至發脹, 再以清水洗走雜質, 淨後可煲糖水或按喜好烹煮。
原產地: 中國


【點點綠有機無蔗糖添加即沖豆漿粉 450g  - 1盒】
1.含蛋白質, 促進傷口組織的再生與修補
成份: 有機黃豆粉(大豆製品)、低聚異麥芽糖
食用方法: 將3湯匙(18克)豆漿粉加入50毫升冷開水,攪拌至豆漿粉完全溶解後, 隨意加入130毫升冷或熱開水, 即可飲用. 亦可加入新鮮水果, 乾果, 穀物或燕片作營養早餐, 美味有益。
原產地: 中國


【點點綠核桃黑豆黑芝麻粉 400g  - 1盒】
1. 有助維持心腦血管健康
2.含膳食纖維, 有益腸道健康
成份: 核桃,青仁黑豆,黑芝麻.
食用方法: 把約3茶匙(約30克) 核桃黑豆黑芝麻粉沖粉加入適量溫水,攪拌後即可飲用。或加入鮮奶或豆漿一起食用。
原產地: 台灣


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