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Green Dot Dot Combo Set: 
GDD Organic Rice Trio 1kg  - 2pc
GDD Organic Black Chia Seeds 250g - 1pc
GDD Peach Resin 200g  - 1pc
GDD Organic Black Wolfberry 60g  - 1pc


【GDD Organic Rice Trio 1kg  - 2pc】
Organic Rice Trio retains bran layer which helps yo enhance bowel movement.
Ingredient: Organic Red Rice, Organic Black Rice, Organic Brown Rice
Directions: Soak the Organic Rice Trio for at least 3 hour or overnight. Cooking with the ratio of 1 cup of Organic Rice Trio to 2 cups water. Cook the rice with normal procedure


【GDD Organic Black Chia Seeds 250g - 1pc】
1. Rich in dietary fiber, help to increase satiety, reduce eating too much and cause obesity.
2. Dietary fiber to help intestinal peristalsis, to maintain intestinal health.
3. Help stabilize blood sugar.
4. Rich in Omega-3.
Ingredient: Organic Black Chia Seed
Directionsa: Can be eaten directly or as an ingredient mixed with 15g organic black chia seeds into cereal breakfast, drink or salad once a day.
Origin: Peru


【GDD Peach Resin 200g  - 1pc】
Overview: Peach Resin
Ingredient: Peach Resin
Directions:: Soak Peach Resin over 8 hours until it swell, rinse it out. Add to dessert as you like.


【GDD Organic Black Wolfberry 60g  - 1pc】
Help to promote eye health and beneficial to heart.
Ingredient: Black Wolfberry
Directions: Add to soup, rice or eat directly.
Origin: China, USA



點點綠有機三色米 1kg - 2包
點點綠有機黑奇亞籽 400g - 1包
點點綠桃膠 200g - 1包
點點綠有機黑杞子 60g - 1包


【點點綠有機三色米 1kg - 2包】
2. 有助促進消化吸收
3. 有助心腦血管健康
成份: 有機紅米、有機黑米、有機糙米
食用方法: 將有機三色米 浸水至少3小時,過夜最佳。以1杯有機三色米對2杯水的份量烹煮,其後步驟與一般白米烹煮方法相同。
原產地: 泰國


【點點綠有機黑奇亞籽 250g - 1包】
1. 含豐富的膳食纖維,幫助腸道蠕動,保持腸道暢通,預防便秘。
2. 增加一份飽肚感,避開了同一餐吸收過多熱量而引致肥胖的風險。
3. 遇水後會釋出的啫喱薄膜的水溶性纖維,有助穩定血糖。
4. 含有豐富Omega-3,Omega-3是一種多元不飽和脂肪酸,其中包含EPA & DHA成分,有助活化大腦、促進腦細胞發育, 提升記憶力。
食用方法: 可直接食用或將15克有機黑奇亞籽放進穀物早餐, 飲料, 或沙律內一同進食. 建議一日一次。
原產地: 秘魯


【點點綠桃膠 200g - 1包】
1. 桃膠是桃樹皮裂開,所流出的樹脂液作天然修復,當樹脂遇空氣凝結後,會成為硬身晶體,成為桃膠。
成份: 桃膠
食用方法: 先把桃膠以清水浸8小時以上至發脹, 再以清水洗走雜質, 淨後可煲糖水或按喜好烹煮。
原產地: 中國


【點點綠有機黑杞子 60g - 1包】
1. 可以放在嘴中嚼著吃,也可以泡水喝,還可以用於泡茶等
2. 含有天然花青素, 有助抗氧化
3. 有助改善血液循環
成份: 黑杞子
食用方法: 可煲汤、煮饭或直接食用。
原產地: 中國, 美國


點點綠產品組合:有機三色米2包, 有機黑奇亞籽1包, 桃膠1包, 有機黑杞子1包

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