Breo x Tonino Lamborghini Co-branded Edition
iSee M - Eye Massager
The new star of Breo’s well received iSee family brings a delightful refreshment to your eye with optimised portability. iSee M allows you to customise your massage experience with your personal preference. Along with the options of 3 air pressure mode, you can now pre-set the length of your massage session, temperature of the warm compress and even create your own music playlist all from your mobile devices.
倍輕鬆 x 林寶堅尼 聯名特別版
iSee M - 眼部按摩器
獨有的林寶堅尼專屬的開機音樂,iSee M以可折疊的便攜機身為您帶來隨心定制的按摩體驗。APP全新設計的智能按摩氣囊結合舒適的恒溫熱敷,充分作用於眼部以及眼周穴位,為您緩解眼部疲勞。三種按摩模式一鍵調節,亦可與移動設備連接,定制您的按摩時長、熱敷溫度,更可自行設置音樂清單,讓您充分享受按摩樂趣。
iSee M - Breo x Tonino Lamborghini Edition